Annoyingly the other person that was meant to stand in for Sandra didn’t turn up again for the shift at PRI. I walked into town and met S at Tabu. Ken was meant to meet us at 20 but being Italian (well he’s lived there for 30 years) is always late! He arrived just as I was leaving to walk home. S and him went for a coffee to Blend amd I chilled at home.
We then went for our area o shop then Up to mum. Mum always amazes me with stories that I haven’t heard before. She told me that when my grandpa died (her :Dad) , his body was kept in the house for the days before the funeral service, which was in our house in Blackford. I remember the day that he died, but I cannot remember his body being kept in the bedroom. Mum said that Aunty Nina locked the bedroom door so I couldn’t get in. My dad’s sister was due to get married and dad and I went to the wedding but mum of course didn’t go. Then two days later mum got a letter from the wife of Norman telling mum that Norman was her dad’s son! How evil! Mum was devastated at this news, she knew Norman all her life but didn’t realise he was her half brother.
Home and iced my knee as it was swollen :(
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