
A slow day.  Down to Cameron Toll in the morning to get the food, that was probably the most exciting thing I did all day as not much else happened.  I spent quite a long time on Smarty customer support trying to get the call forwarding issue sorted.  Took a while but it was sorted eventually.  

It was humid, windy and intermittently sunny outside.  In the afternoon I started on my poor garden, mainly cutting back the roses and some summer pruning. I still have this Malaysian cold (not Covid) and I'm still tired.  Made an appointment with the nurse and talked to G from Apex. That was the height of my external interactions today. 

As I'm not into the Games I had to find something else to slump in front of this evening - found the Australian series ' The Newsreader'. Enjoyed eps 1 and 2 before bed. 

Realised I had take no photos so here is the night sky.  It is good to be back in a place where it is light after 19.40. 

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