A Man With Several Mistresses

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

The King of Business Analysts clapped me on the shoulder today.

"How does it feel to be Mr. Popularity?" he asked.

He was referring to the fact that word of my exploits has got around. Business people and PMs are currently fighting over me.

Just to be clear, my main talent as a BA is not being a dick. But you know, in the kingdom of the dick the "not a dick" man is king. Or something like that.

"I feel like a man with several mistresses," I replied. "Don't tell the PMs I'm seeing other projects behind their back."

I'm not joking. Someone brought up Project Jess in front of Project Laura manager Laura today and she told them to f*** off.

I am INCREDIBLY busy right now. The sort of busy where you are always having to apologise for not having done the thing yet. It's okay. I can say I am "slammed" and look stressed and people forgive me.

However, it is not sustainable. I know this.

But for now I am okay with it. There is that part of me that LIKES being "Mr. Populairty".

I reckon I can keep this up for another month or so. Then I'll hand over my Project Ellie stuff to Corrie, finish up Project Laura and hopefully continue on with Project Jess.

And more importantly my many mistresses will have paid for my wife's car.


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