The White Cliffs of Folkestone!

We're off on a two week jaunt around Belgium and France, ending up with my sister in the Dordogne whom we haven't seen for three years due to you-know-what!  All very exciting and tonight we are staying in Folkestone, ready for our Eurotunnel train tomorrow morning.  After we checked into the hotel, we went for a lovely blowy walk along Folkestone Harbour Arm (you can see Mr Sk on the right) and the not-so-white cliffs of Folkestone in the distance.

We have left Ivy in the care of a housesitter who arrived this morning.  She is a keen photographer too so I mentioned blip to her and she has already joined!  I'm sure if you have time she'd appreciate you checking in with her journal.  Her name is IrisBcreative and she may even post blips of Ivy from time to time!

I will keep up with your journals as much as I can but apologies ahead of time for not commenting much for a couple of weeks!

PS  Today is my darling mother's birthday.  She would have been 108!

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