Final Movement
A short turn of duty at the end of the day. Guard of the last train, one that runs principally to give folk who travelled earlier more options for their return journey. Five of the eight groups who set out with me were dropped off in the first few miles. We picked up two other parties on the return trip to Tywyn with just one couple making the full round trip. We set off in sunshine but the rain which arrived at the top of the line was torrential by the time we got back to Tywyn.
The blip is inside Pendre block post, looks like a signal box but the lever frame only operates the points in the yard. Signalling is either by hand or flag. My last job of the day, after getting the carriages into their shed, involved setting the road for the light engine to return to the loco shed. A nice gentle volunteer shift to end a day mostly of admin and support for Ruth and Jamie.
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