A walk from Polperro to Looe

Which was wonderful, though the day was mostly cloudy, and quite humid. Was 16,500 steps today, or about 12km. As a city dweller I’m always thrilled to be by the sea, but especially when it’s like this - miles of water, and then the horizon. That infinite-seeming view is more restful to the mind - for me - than seeing land on the other side. We saw lots and lots of wild flowers, including these acanthus, and plenty of orange montbretia. I think walking on a coast path is one of the best things the world has to offer.  We are so lucky to have the National Trust - not all countries have open access to the land by the sea. 
Arriving in Looe, via the ice cream stall at Hannafore, it felt familiar and lovely.  We caught a bus back to Polperro. Fantastic service - there has been a huge grant to Transport For Cornwall, which has been used to reduce fares and increase frequency.  What a good idea.  
Really enjoyed today.  It’s great being with an old friend, we never seem to run out of interesting things to talk about. Got back in time to watch the second half of the Euro final and felt very pleased for the Lionesses. And after that, we listened to an owl hooting, and watched a bat flying to and fro.  Magic. 

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