Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Sorry for yet another collage, but there was so much loveliness going on around me while I was working. I couldn't pick just one bumble bee... how could I choose between the large cuddly one and the little one (about 3/4 of an inch or 2 cm) crawling in every bell like flower with only a small part of the bum showing? They were so lovely! And the little bees! I had so many bees around me while I was trimming down the calendula flowers. Seeds pods were removed, since we collect seeds later in autumn and stumps of stalks were cut down. I was ruthless! :D A few mishaps, that resulted in me coming home with two beautiful flowers, now in press underneath heavy books. 
But, staying outside in the sun, in a 'folded' position, took its toll. I was drinking water and taking short breaks, but my head hurt and my rear end muscles got themselves a workout (that's good, though! They've been neglected...). And I was really tired to start with, since the party last evening took its toll too. 
Physiotherapist meeting tomorrow, which is good. But, I'm not really sure what I'll talk about... perhaps plans for the future and how I'll get there. Then a quiet day, I think... I have some tomato plants I need to get outside and I still have that 5 item challenge to perhaps participate in.
Oh, and a really silly thing happened when I posted a short video on part of my ICAD 2022 book on Facebook. I got a warning! Part of the 'music' where apparently breaking immaterial rights! The sound in that video is me turning pages, the wind blowing and if the volume is cranked up, also a seagull  shouting. I wonder what in that video was 'music' belonging to someone else? I disputed the warning and almost all of my sound was restores, but in some places there were still 'music' belonging to someone else... The seagull, perhaps? It made a complaint...

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