Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Significant events

The Lionesses beat Germany 2-1 to win the European Football Championships. Historic on so many levels. I couldn’t watch it; having woken up feeling weirdly anxious I decided I couldn’t cope with the tension.

My anxiety hung around I the background all day, but peaked after I had an afternoon sleep and woke up in humid conditions with a tight chest. Tomorrow will be better.

It was in other respects a good day, including prepping the Yoga Mama’s flat for occupation on Wednesday and having a late lunch in the local pub. Seven of us including TSM’s siblings, partners and The Dizzle and Strider. 

Uhura died. She lived long and prospered and was a beacon for black women. If you don’t know who I mean then you’re not a Trekkie…

Dylan’s cone will hopefully come off tomorrow. He coped well today.

I finished reading The Colony by Audrey Magee. Harrowing and very personal. A write your own ending book but you can’t really pretend it would be a happy one …

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