An Unexpected Visitor
Feeling better today, but still very tired, due to lack of sleep, I decided to do one or two jobs that had been long outstanding. Having looked at the synoptic charts and decided that it would probably be dry for the next six to eight hours I started treating our drive with a persistent weed killer just before 0800 hours this morning; immediately after I had finished we had a rain shower. Not much rain fell and I am not sure whether that together with the other tiny amounts we have had today will prevent the weed killer from working or not; the ground was hardly wetted each time. Subsequent to this I pottered about in the house and had a brief nap before going out to the workshop, which is almost as muddly as the caravan, to do a little tidying up.
When I got there I was appalled by the state that some of my equipment was in and decided to start by cleaning the lathe; this took far longer than expected. The problem is that I have hardly used any of the tools in the workshop for the last four years because of a cyst in the spine, which had it not been removed would have paralysed and killed me by now. In addition to my other problems I am still recovering from this one. By the time I had finished it I had had enough and while moving into a dark and obscure corner of the workshop I came across the subject of this picture, a Slow Worm, who was keeping out of the rain. I went indoors, got my camera and since I did not want to frighten the Slow Worm, set it to a high ISO value so that flash was not needed. I then very carefully lifted out the Slow Worm and placed it where I might expect to find one in its natural habitat. In the past they have not been able to find their way out of the workshop and have died due to dehydration.
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