Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Friday Night Thoughts

Another Magnolia (disambiguation)

I found a Magnolia tree in the neighborhood last Saturday, but I found these Magnolias in a shopping center parking lot a couple miles from here. Because these flowers are here and gone so quickly, I thought I'd blip a couple more.

This has nothing to do with Magnolia blossoms, but my students are working on their last summary project, so this week we read and discussed three articles all on the topic of reading. One about the importance of reading aloud. Another about the number of kids who get a high school diploma who cannot read beyond a primary grade level, and then the third article about the value of reading books. I use these articles because one, if not all three, tend to grab the students' attention.

The article about books mentions three books that helped change society -- Uncle Tom's Cabin, Silent Spring, and Feminine Mystique. The article claims that Betty Friedan's book helped reveal that women back in the 50s and 60s were bored with the role of being a housewife/homemaker. So I said to my students, "Today being a 'stay-at-home-mom' seems to be a badge of honor. So why wasn't it a badge of honor back in the 50s and 60s?" They all agreed that today it is a honor, but they couldn't answer or even guess why it wasn't back then. I told them I thought it would make a good research topic.

So I wonder if any blippers could give us some insight into why it was boring then but an honor now. I'll take your insights to my students.

We're enjoying our Friday evening here in Southern California.
Hope yours is going well. Good night,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Thanks for the lovely comments on yesterday's anniversary moment.

P.P.S. The end of the semester is almost here! Graduation is Thursday evening, June 11. Woohoo!

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