wild & precious life

By IrwellRiver

Utterly shattered

Been on the go for three weeks, due to full working weeks and full teaching weekends. Might have managed this better had we had a kitchen! The house is in chaos whilst hubby has been ripping out the old to put in a new one. A new boiler was put in by professionals (our old one was 50years old, can you believe?!) and the plasterer has been. It will all be great when it's finished but in the meantime it's chaotic. We've been using the motorhome (temporarily pitched up down the road in Wylam/ VERY lucky to have that as an option) as a cooking base which has been helping & eldest daughter has been helping with washing etc. I've had two graduations thrown in too (one for work & one for youngest daughter who graduated on Friday - fab day/ photos to follow!).
The free-range chicken is at the camping site.

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