Living my dream

By Mima

Making tracks

I baked bread today. It is usually something I do standing on my head, but the last two batches of dough failed to rise properly and I ended up with loaves which were more dense than I’d like. So this morning I took extra care measuring the ingredients, checking the temperature of the water and kneading the dough until it was silky smooth. And still it didn’t rise fully, despite leaving the tins in a warm spot for several hours.

Clearly something isn’t right. I think the most likely culprit is the dried yeast, which came from the bottom of a packet which I probably bought about a year ago. Hmm…yeast is on this week’s shopping list.

The sun has shone all day. We had an uphill then hill-top walk, with great views for miles in every direction across the hills to the mountains and the sea.

This kale paddock caught my eye on the way home. I have no idea how the farm staff get along the track without bogging.

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