Princess Shortcake Caroline
I was outside before the worst of the heat and decided it was time to try and set up the “Shibumi” we were given a while back. It is actually very simple and easy to set up and take down, it just needs that steady breeze to keep it up
I then used one of the folding rocking chairs we were given, instead of my zero gravity chair, to sit and watch the birds for a while. Was happy with the comfort of the chairs and that they are sturdy enough to make getting up and out of them, fairly easy for me
Spent a good while taking with my sister on the phone today. We have ourselves some interesting conversations sometimes and today was definitely one of those days. :-)
Today, Princess Shortcake Caroline got married and Kent and I attended the reception in the arts district downtown. It’s been amazing to watch this little girl grow into this awesome woman and find a worthy mate. Now my Princess is going to be a Queen.
I have ties to so many parts of her family and it was so great to see so many people I haven’t seen in such a long time and to catch up with some but more than that, just be in this group of people feel at home with them all.
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