Orkney - Another Bonny Day!

An ideal day for a field trip for the AGM of the Hoy Kirk, really well attended.  There was no coup d'état.  Or chocolate éclairs.  Thankfully the Current Mrs Creel was re-elected as Treasurer so our holiday slush fund continues.  As a bonus Rebecca took the minutes.  Nobody saw what she did with them.  Dawn joined the comittee.  BTW Ricky was in charge at the pierheid.  I had a bit of light banter with Angus.  If someone had taken a thimble we could have hunted it.  But, there again, saboteurs may have been there with aniseed. As l swing in my hammock CMC is plucking a chicken.  The warmest day of the year so far.  I have been informed that I've been in the sun too long.

Fingers McCafferty is still out on parole.

We push off and gently row out into the loch of destiny.  As we all eventually will do.

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