
This woman means the absolute world to us. She's the wildlings adopted nana. She lives round in the cul-de-sac and has so much love for our family.  Its her birthday on Monday and she's going away for a few days , so I sent the three bigger ones round this morning to drop off her presents.  Nearly half an hour later they hadn't appeared back so I headed round with Carson.  The big ones had raided her sweetie tub and were making her open her gifts . Carson was busy at the other end of her lounge and didn't want his photo taken. 

We met my mum , niece,  sister and kids in town and spent time with my mum before she got the bus back to Edinburgh.  And then my sister and kids have spent the rest of the day with us at home. They have made good use of the new trampoline.  I can't remember of I said but it was our local Carers Centre that contacted us and asked if we needed anything for the garden as they had funding for a Sumner fund. And our other trampoline was now too small for them all and the net was all ripped. We are very lucky to be giving funding.  

Tonight we will cycle to Mr R's work and meet him so that he finishes work early.  I have the feeling the jedi will fall asleep in the bike trailer as he has been up since 5 and hasn't napped today at all. 

Happy Friday to you all. 

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