What The!!!

This building is not far from the dance studio, the girls attend.

This unit has been blocked up, ever since they started.

But today, I could see it now has no roof, and most of the front is missing.

Obviously, being renovated!!

Mia went to Kindy today.  Then I got a call at 1.30pm, to pick her up as she wasn't well.

She ran to me, and was crying.  she cried all the way home.

She didn't want anything to eat or drink.  So, I took her to lie down on the bed.  She didn't want to watch TV, but wanted me to read her a book.

But she couldn't stop crying, she was obviously in pain.  I gave her some Panadol, and rang Alexandra.

Alexandra took her home, and managed to get a doctors appointment for her.  She has a really bad ear infection.

Meanwhile, I picked Isabella up from school, took her to her acrobatics class, and then took her home.

Mia still wasn't well tonight, but eventually fell asleep, exhausted.

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