
It's been a very long day today!! Started off nicely with a little leisurely stroll around the Two Tree Island nature reserve - very quiet there again but nice to see this large skipper - unless it's an essex skipper having been spotted in Essex!

Then we stopped at a friends' as it was their birthday so had presents to drop off and tea to consume and gossip to share!

And then this afternoon has been spent stripping apart our old rear projection screen tv - 30 years old and it has finally given up so we've got a new TV coming tomorrow so we knew it was going to be too heavy to move 'in one' so it's been a lesson in engineering this afternoon stripping out all the circuit boards, wires, mirror, lenses.... let's see if they take it away tomorrow when they bring the new TV! End of an era! They don't make them to last like that anymore, although they're much easier to dispose of now haha!

I think we're all off to collapse now as we're knackered!!

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