Stuart Robertson

By StuartRobertson

Grey Heron

They say the early bird catches the worm, well this morning I did not catch a worm, but a stunning Grey Heron.

As it was such a beautiful morning I decided to go to one of my usual haunts by the river. Unusually there was a pair of Herons near the bank and I managed to get reasonably close without disturbing them. They usually take to flight when you point the camera at them and this one did just that seconds later.

This is an adult grey heron which stands about three ft tall. It has a wingspan of about six ft and slender, long legs with a long, thin neck. Ideal for diving into the sea for fish. As you can see the neck and body resemble an S-shape. The plumage of the bird is mostly grey, but the head usually has white and black markings on it. Its bill and legs are a yellowish colour, which intensifies to an orange shade during breeding season.

The grey heron's biggest threat is man. Many birds are poisoned or killed by electrical lines due to their close proximity to towns. It is sometimes harmed by communities to protect fish resources. For example, fisherman sometimes believe that the birds threaten their harvest, so they hunt them. Some fish farmers also may view the bird as a pest and may exterminate any birds that try to feed on the fish they are raising.

The habitat we share with wild plants and animals all contribute to a thriving, healthy planet. We need to do more.

This was the best shot I managed to get. Hope you like it.

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