Relevance & reverence
I read blips everyday and the way we all differ in what we write or blip is quite incredible. Some post shots to die for and add write ups that last for paragraphs. Others the complete opposite. Some bare their souls, others you will never get to know. Some tell stories, and some live theirs right before our very eyes.
Sometimes I post without thinking, and other times I spend time to tell a story that just comes out. More often than not my photos are shots that just caught my eye and said 'Oi, over 'ere mate!' I sit down to post my blip with my phone (all my shots are on my iPhone) and then just let the words come.
Blip is I suspect quite a reflection of who we are. That's why I'm in therapy.....
Peace, love and let the leaders of the world discover the joys of blip!
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