
By Rebekah

Big Kids

Meet two of my housemates! On the left we have Harriett, who is adding to our houses' "End-of-Exams/University-Bucket-List". We'll all be living here for a month of Heaven in June. Looks like there is lots of ice cream eating /picnic doing /shopping... shopping/day tripping/sun lounging/ pimms drinking being planned. WE CANNOT WAIT!!!! On the right we have Becki, who is colouring in the tips of her hair with chalk... as you do? I'd never heard of "chalking" your hair before, but as Becki has blonde hair it takes really well, and she ended up with a mixture of blue & pink tips that looked awesome!

I really like this photo, as we really are still just big kids. After this, we watched Mulan. Point proven.

We had a girly night out tonight which was sweeeet, and long overdue. We all dressed up, played some proper drinking games: "insert-appropriate-alcohol-pong", and got to go shake it like Beyoncé... uhh.. had a little dance together. I've missed these guys.

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