Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Thornbill Maybe

Hey, I just saw you
And this is crazy
I can't ID you
Thornbill maybe

I'm having real trouble identifying this wee bird. It think it must be a thornbill of some kind (not sure which; either inland or brown), but they don't seem (in my birds book) to have the whiskers like this one does at the base of the beak. In any case, the trees out the front were absolutely chock-full of them, flitting about and chirruping. Some were getting as close as 1-2 feet from my face. I didn't want to miss anything, so didn't look through the viewfinder, nor even use the LCD screen; I just watched, holding the camera pointing in what I hoped was he right direction, and clicked, hoping it would focus appropriately. Of course, with a 200 mm lens on a little sensor with a 2x crop factor, and a subject usually about a metre away, a slight inaccuracy of aim translates into missing the wee birdy by a country mile. So mostly I got photos of leaves, branches, and sky. xP

However, I'm pleased with this one - do have a larger look.

Also: more pics of the kiddies, including lots of portraity ones of Batboy, while he was telling me earnestly about Angry Birds - probably Angry Birds Star Wars. Those were all taken using my old manual Pentax 50 mm (on the Lumix). I had forgotten just how nice it is to use. Beautiful bit o' glass. There are a few processing variants of some; Camerabag has some rather nice presets.

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