
By AnnelieHberg

He is the most sweetest dog in the entire world.. Im so deeply in love with this crazy Puli...

He just turned 1 year old, his hormones are running wild and every walk he is looking for a female in order to secure his breeds continue "living" on this earth. He doesn't understand he don't have to secure his breeds genes...

The more his hormones grows stronger, the more he sniffs for a female, haha! But, it isnt that hard to control coz the basic in the training we did from the beginning is really working even if he is TRYING to test me a lot.

As soon as he knows he pushed me to far or crossed the line in his behavior he just knows and backs off.

I am so glad that I have been so firm with him. Being firm isn't being unloving, its the opposite... The more I show him "the way" the more attached he is becoming to me.

Ther cool thing is that if I cross the line and become TO firm he shows me, in a subtile way that this isn't ok with me... He shows by his body language and his eyes and we sort of "speaking" to each other.

I took this image after a crazy play in our garden. He was tired after he had what we call a "Puli moment". a moment like that is totally crazy and he runs around the area in a state of madness but oh boy, it is incredible to watch...

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