Two Lions

As we sat outside the cafe in New Squares in Penrith, after shopping in Sainsbury’s (more plates were bought!), I looked across at this wall with it’s blocked in windows and realised that it must be the back of the ‘Two Lions Inn’ and of course that’s why this bit was called ‘Two Lions Square’ - clever that.

The ‘Two Lions Inn’ has a long history, in fact it is thought to be the oldest surviving building in Penrith. It was built as a residence for one of the Lowther family (of course), became a rather grand medieval hall and eventually an inn with stables. So much change to it over the years. At one stage it had a bowling green attached to it - so that’s why one of the lanes is called ‘Bowling Green Lane’!

It is now a Listed building and I found a very detailed survey of the building/s carried out just before the New Squares development took place. There have been attempts to ‘rescue’ it, but at the moment it looks quite derelict.

I just remember it as a rather down at heel pub at an entrance to the huge Penrith car park. The car park and adjoining football ground was what was used for the whole Sainsbury’s/New Squares development.

As we sat there with our coffee, we tried to think what it was like before all the building . . . very hard.

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