
By Livingandloving

Panda Love

Busy day at work...but had the opportunity to have lunch out with a friend. That is always a treat.

Sugar had a good day at school, and was happy to see me at the bus stop. It was an early day for me, so no aftercare for the Sug. We decided to head over to her "used to be everyday, but now it's only once in a while" daycare provider's house to pay our bill, and hang out in the sun. We don't see her often enough, so it was lovely to chit chat with her.

We headed on home, where Sugar played with baby bunny, the dog, and climbed around on her swingset while I mowed the lawn. It was a perfect evening.

I snapped this quick shot of one of Sugar's favorite t-shirts. It's been awhile since she has had the opportunity to wear it to school becaue it is short sleeved. She is excited it is finally warm enough.

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