Living my dream

By Mima

Water water everywhere…

A total of 104mm fell in 40 hours. That’s on top of the 90-ish mm we had over the last two weeks.

Our average July rainfall (for the whole month) is 50mm.

It is very wet underfoot outside and many roads are closed due to flooded creeks and slips. The Council advised us to stay at home today.

Chez Mima there are large areas of standing water, runnels have developed across a few flower beds, and the wee trenches I dug will be carrying water away for days.

I’ve been busy baking a huge lemon drizzle cake and a batch of flatbreads filled with feta and olives. And of course the blanket dog and I had a walk, which we both enjoyed slightly more than yesterday because the sky and the rain were both lighter.

At 3.30 this afternoon the rain stopped. Hooray.

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