
By Bowen

That's Mr. Kitty to you.

I'm watching the neighbors cat here for a bit.  He's alright, very social, very vocal.  He likes you to sit with him while he eats so he can talk to you.  I use to have a bunch of cats, three at one time and they all died off oddly enough one from bone cancer, one with a thyroid disorder that we couldn't control and one from renal failure, not a single one from old age.  I had been starting to get all gooey eyed over kittens recently, yeah I'm good now.  The last cat of mine to die used the dog door to go outside and potty.  The only time she used the box was if there was 8 inches of snow or more to poop, never pee.  Neighbors cat, yep gotta clean the box.  Also I forgot how much they shed.  I typically wear black slacks to work, this cat likes to rub up on the pants making my pants orange.  I'm good, I won't be getting a kitten or a cat any time soon.  It's nice to be able to play with this one for a bit, good reminder of the things I didn't like.

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