
By KevinFoto

Parked for the night

Well an interesting blip trip tonight. Headed up the back roads that run between the opencast sites to see if I could blip some large construction equipment.

As I stopped to check my bearings I was approached by a security guard that informed me that the road was private land and that I have to leave straight away. I did try to point out that it was a public road that was surrounded by private land but he was having none of it.

At this point one of the site supervisors appeared, at the same time as the security guard was talking about the police being called. The supervisor and security guard had a chat and then the supervisor headed over to me. My heart sank.

Anyway to my surprise the supervisor told me that I could carry on another mile up the road and should be able to find some machines moving spoil from the big hole in the ground. He did say however that most of the equipment was parked for the night.

Then the biggest surprise came, as I turned to head back home I saw the security guard's van heading towards me, yellow lights flashing, on the single track road. O.M.G. cornered, what to do?

Anyway as luck would have it he was completely different this time, obviously satisfied that I was really only taking pictures. He rolled down the window and asked if I managed to get any good pictures. I said that I had a few but that they light and distance from the working machines made it difficult.

Follow me he said I know where there are a whole lot of trucks parked for the night. So off I went with me new friend to capture tonight's blip.

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