Yesterday, when I got up, Midnight was behaving differently, not in a bad way, but almost as he had understood my explanation to him about me needing to be careful when he was round my legs and feet as I was walking, so I didn't fall over. And that it was dangerous for me if he continued doing that.
He kept a bit more to the side of me, and it was easier for me to continue walking yesterday without having to keep coming to a halt because he had sat down in front of me, which he was doing constantly every few seconds as I was walking. He has always done this. And he is always walking in front of me as I am doing tasks. He doesn't follow me around, he leads me around.
This morning, for a second day, he is still more to the side of me as I am walking, but still in front leading the way. This is so much easier for me, and less tiring. I can carry on walking instead of the stop/start/abrupt halt walking he was initiating before.
Last night I put supper down for him. But he wasn't ready for it. He eats so much less than he ate before. Just the amount for a small cat now. But he might be catching mice in the night. There is a mouse's nest in the middle of the garden. You want to see his front claws. They are massive and lethal, in very good condition, worthy of a panther.
Anyway last night I got his grooming tools out. Sat besides him on the swing, and used the fine metal pronged brush first that gets a lot of dead fur out. It took me 15 minutes working on one side of his body. It is loose fine white stuff, that causes him to choke sometimes when he is trying to clean himself. Then a comb with different combinations of lengths of teeth on it. So that was me finished, because he never lets me do the other side of him. But what happened next yesterday? He looked at me as I put the tools down, and then shifted his position to face the unbrushed side of him to me, and his belly also. He has never done this before, turned over so I can do the other side! He has always flat refused to let me do the other side.
So another 20 minutes of grooming, and he loves his belly being gently groomed. However, his tail is a no no.....but I will get that tail...
So I went in and got the soft bristle brush, and the last bit is very gentle stroking with that all over.
An hour's grooming in all. I got paid in purrs as loud as the feel of my hands on the bonnet (when I was a child on the farm) of a running Ferguson tractor engine.
Midnight went to bed contented.
I went to bed contented.
And Jade came in and ate Midnight's supper with Midnight's blessing...
Creative this morning, I pointed Laboscope towards some shell covered boxes in my bedroom....
Time for a cuppa.
Take care and chill out...
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