Mono Monday: CHECK-ing the GHW

I allow myself one giant hogweed blip every year. Here is 2022's. I only blip it once but I keep a close eye on it throughout the season. GHW always makes me think of my blip friend Alan Roger. We have similar feelings about this invasive pest. It's a menace and a danger but it is also very useful for a showy blip. Thank you Laurie for the MM challenge.

Terribly early start this morning. Just couldn't get back to sleep. I don't know why but maybe it's getting back into routine. It's Monday which means childminding day with my grandson. He will soon be here for his day with us. It's the first time for a few weeks so he can have fun rediscovering his toys and books.

The cheese scones are made. Flora has been walked. She was a bit reluctant this morning. I'm going to use the small amount of free time I'll have till this evening to do some damage control in the garden. The rain has bashed some of the tall plants about and it looks bedraggled. Out with the snippers!

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