Watching paint dry
Mostly today was spent painting. The plan for this room, the 'dining room' as it will be, is evolving minute by minute as I decide that the new chocolate paint suits, but in moderation. And once all that is decided we'll need to find some new tapestries that we like. The odd expression is because TallGirl has just arrived in the room and made me giggle.
The bits of the day that weren't spent up that ladder were spent picking up some lovely warm black compost from the tip and having a quick tour around the garden to check for slugs nibbling stuff. Later we went round to a neighbour's for aperos. We had been invited for a barbie, but the rain and the absence of Mr B has postponed that to another day. Long chat in French during which they wholly approved of my policy of just saying a bunch of words and letting the French make them into a pretty sentence. And Mr Neighbour has volunteered (or more accurately been volunteered by his wife) to come around tomorrow and plant my plum tree. So. Some gardening tomorrow, plus a trip to the market and more painting. If I'm really lucky I might get time to do some cleaning in the attic.
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