Back to the Marsh...

Another hot and humid day, best spent indoors but I had promised myself that I would try to get out and about each day - if even for a short time. I had some grocery shopping to do, but needed something more fun than that..and as, at last, I was feeling much more like my old self,  I decided to drop in to the marsh as well. I had not been there for ages... and really missed it...

I had envisioned endless photo-ops ..there are always birds in abundance..but for whatever reason, the place was really quiet..I found only two swans and one Canada goose willing to have their photos taken..and a few ducks feeding in the shade on the other side of the bridge...but in lighting not conducive to photography!  I guess the birds know better than to hang about in the heat of the day? 

No was good to be back outdoors in one of my old haunts...and I look forward to the day when I once again will feel energetic enough to get up early and hurry down there to capture a sunrise! 

Or at least get back up to the cottage where the sunrise is at my doorstep ...not much energy required to get those ones! Looking forward to THAT day! 

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