Hendstock 2022

What a day. It would be an understatement to say we had some challenges. Issues with the PA and sound, one of the main singers lost her voice, barky dogs and worst of all, Matt our drummer tested positive for covid and called off at 7pm. We knew there was a chance this might happen and had a backup plan but asking people to play a 35 song set with 2 hours notice is a big deal.


The jazz band were a great opening act, we had some really good new singers, the stage cover was brilliant and ….

H played drums! She’s been having lessons for a few months and got up on stage with Pops (bass), Alf ( guitar) and me ( vocal, yes you read that correctly). She was brilliant, bang in time, perfect fills and looked like she was really enjoying herself.

Very proud husband…

Speaking of drummers.

So we have a long set to play at our biggest gig of the year and no drummer. Luckily Ian ( our sound man ) is a resting drummer and Johnnie ( Pops bf) is a drummer. Boy did they step up. They kept swapping between songs, learning each song just before playing it. They absolutely nailed it and the crowd went completely wild.

Possibly the hardest Hendstock ever but also possibly the best.

Headline numbers.

14 acts
6 hours
Over 500 people
£4,500.00 raised so far.

Thanks to everyone who came along, sang, played, helped on the bar, door, setup, clear down, donated, held onto the dog and anything else I’ve missed.

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