Silly Saturday : : Butt Rub

Most dogs seem to be creatures of routine and Spike is no exception. He expects his morning butt rub and can get pretty pushy about it if John (it has to be John) doesn't do it in a timely manner first thing in the morning....

Our guests arrived last night bearing plates of food and the news that smoke was pouring from the trees down by the highway. I had been looking out the kitchen window less than 15 minutes previous and there was nothing. while the rest of us stood there, various thoughts going through our minds, ('Oh no, not again', and 'somebody must have already reported it' among them) Tobi consulted the excellent fire reporting app called 'Watch Duty' and finding no mention of it, called and reported it.

Within minutes we heard the sound of sirens and two planes circling overhead and got on with our drinks and appetizers. Tobi kept her eye on the phone and within an hour reported that the fire was under control. and firefighters were mopping up. It is good to know that they don't waste any time calling out the big guns immediately and the fire only burned about 10 acres of brush.

We walked to the end of our road and up Los Alamos Road this morning to see if we could tell what they have been working on so noisily for so long. We didn't walk back to our house through the field as planned because the road was indeed newly paved and walking on it didn't seem like a good idea for man or beast, so we turned around and went back the way we came. 

We ran into our neighbor Bruce on the way back, who agreed that our street is certainly more deserving of being a 'fire debris removal road'  than one that was so recently repaved. As if to prove the point, a caravan of construction vehicles with Oregon license plates passed us as we walked along Wildwood back to our house. They didn't look like the construction trucks that are everywhere right now, so we don't know exactly what they were doing up Wildwood Mountain, but it was pretty devastated by the Glass fire so I'm sure there's a lot going on up there.

Neighbors are due for drinks soon.

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