
By JillyMint

I see no ships

My first blip after coming out of hospital and its a blooming squirrel! I don't know!

I am now fitted with a device called a PEG (percutaneous Endoscopic gastronomy tube) - a feeding tube. This will allow me to receive 'food ' safely without danger of choking. Early days yet and all a bit fiddly but I have more energy and will hopefully start putting on some weight (I look like somebody from Bergen-Belsen)

Anyway this cheeky chap cheered me up so wins a place in my journal. the garden is coming along nicely, one swallow skimming the pond, three eggs in the sparrow nesting box, and a luxury nest in the blue tit box, the pond full of frog and toad spawn, and a pair of pheasant mating. Lots to look at :-)

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