Schools Out

I remember this feeling. Practically made the whole year worth it just to know you were free for weeks (although if I'm honest I was never fully free as my head would always go to what had to be done for the next academic year) 
Rob and I were both Art teachers. My Dad was an Art teacher. And now Jessica is aiming to be an Art teacher. She is having to go about it in a much more long winded way as it wasn't want she wanted when she first left uni. Just over a year ago she had an epiphany and realised she didn't want the life she had - well the job she had which was affecting her life - she wanted to teach. She wanted a life like the one she had grown up in. so she handed in her notice and looked at becoming a teaching assistant for a year so she would be better qualified to apply to train to teach. She starts as a trainee teacher in September at the same school she has just finished TAing at. Only fly in the ointment is that it's in English not Art but she is hoping to get as much experience as possible in the Art department so she is better equipped to apply for Art teaching jobs. I'm so proud of her. I mean I am anyway, but when you understand the insider stuff regarding a job it just makes me more so. 

In other news Ruben has passed his health check to go to France! Before Bloody Brexit all we had to make sure of was that he had an up to date rabies jab and was microchipped. He has been coming to France with us since 2010. We've not been since 2017 because of Bloody Brexit and then obviously covid. Well now that we're not in the EU anymore which I will be forever pissed off about, he has to have a health check which we found out today, simply involves a certified vet (who has probably had to pay to be certified - you can't just have your own vet if they're not certified ffs) checking his rabies jab, his microchip and asking you if he's well! No examination at all although maybe he should have had some sort of examination but the vet is pissed off with it all too and will trust us in our answers) And all this at a cost of £185. I believe that the majority of the cost is probably to do with DEFRA who provide the forms to be filled in and seem to be charging for dog knows what that we didn't have to do before. (A friend who has a tractor business has said that DEFRA is a shit show for them - it costs them around £500 to clean the tractor and get the certificate assuming they pass, to send it to Southern Ireland but if they send the same tractor direct from France they don’t have that cost. ) 

Anyway it's another thing off my anxiety list. 
The thing with an anxiety list though is that once something has been crossed off there's something else just waiting to be added. Hey ho. 

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