Rodents rule

By squirk

Flat out

Phew – what a scorcher. The three of us spent the day in the front room with the curtains shut. Fred resorted to wearing a wet T-shirt, while I had a wet towel draped on my neck. When Juno decided that sitting on my lap was a good idea, I covered him in the towel. A lap cat didn't help to cool me, but he's very cute and I was pleased he saw the sense to stay indoors.

I tried to work, but it really was a struggle.

Late afternoon, we headed to the cinema air-con again to watch a preview of Kurt Vonnegut: Unstuck in Time, which was enjoyable and interesting. I knew nothing about the author, but Fred had just finished reading Slaughterhouse 5 so the timing of this film was apt. We went to the library afterwards so I could pick up a few books for my neighbour. 

Fred joined the library as I took my pick from the Romance section so he could read all the newspapers on his iPad.

I've recently discovered that the library has an amazing online digital selection through the apps Libby, PressReader, and Kanopy – if you have a library card, you can access audiobooks, magazines, newspapers from around the world, films, and ebooks – all for free. It blows my mind and I can't believe it's not shouted about more.

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