Food for though!
Today is my day for helping in the Food Bank, run by my church. Bags are made up for individuals and for families. However today I was left puzzled and somewhat bemused ! A lady asked for Heinz beans as she didn’t like other brands.. is there really a difference in brands, I don’t know!! But on reflection is it also holding onto ones dignity??.. I don’t know.. hence food for thought. Times are hard and will undoubtedly harder. ..
Having then walked home with a heavy load of my own shopping I was cheered by a photo of our oldest grand daughter Ottilie. It was her last day at pre school. Very emotional for all of us! She starts school the day after her fourth birthday so will be so young ( see extra photos).. she said she felt like a queen so wanted to dress up as a queen. It’s a small village school and very amicable!
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