Another manky old ball & my human isn't very fit?!

Look what I found on the way to the park this morning. Another manky old ball. Yay! I carried it all the way to the park and played at rolling around with it. And then I carried it all the way home and put it into my manky old balls box.

This afternoon I went to a different park to play with my orange bouncy ball. I haven't played with a ball for ages because it's been too hot but this afternoon there was a nice breeze. I only played for about 15 mins and then flopped down exhausted. Ann was glad because she was exhausted too. We both had to have a little snooze when we got home.

Ann's #summerfitnessplan2022 #aimingforabeachbabebod is almost half way through and this week all she's done is one Pilates class & one body conditioning class on Monday and a swim on Tuesday. Work is seriously getting in the way of exercise. It was easy to do a fitness class or go for a swim when we were in Cornwall because she didn't have any other commitments, but this week she was asked to do a couple of extra shifts at work which meant that she had to cancel her 'Nifty 50's' class and another Pilates class. Tomorrow there's no classes,  and she can't go for a swim because 'Turtle Tots' take over the pool 9-1 and anyway I need a really long walk in the morning because we're both going out for lunch and then Ann is going out for dinner (& the girlies are coming round for drinkies beforehand) so we're not going to have much time for a decent walk in the afternoon. TBH, I don't know why she's bothering?! …..............After 6 weeks, nothing has changed. She was mainly embarking on this project because since lockdown, her strength, flexibility and balance has seriously deteriorated. She bends down to pick something up off the floor and it's a struggle to get back up again??!! She's not really too fussed about losing weight, but by now she thought she would be feeling a bit fitter??? NOTHING!!! Oh well, hey ho, the fitness club membership lasts until 7th September so she will persevere.

And in other news................................. we don't actually have any other news....................... well apart from the fact that I've been wolfing down all my meals for the last couple of days. Why do you think that is?

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