Our speaker for today !

A very busy day, starting with B presenting me with a cup of coffee at 8am and the news that he was heading out for an emergency dental appointment. He’d had problems during the night, which I’d slept through, thank goodness.

I thought that it would put paid to our U3A meeting but Lisa, our dentist, did a great job, he was home by 9 and we were out of the house by 10. 

The speaker was hilarious, and informative. ‘Stories of a lorry driver and removal man’. I loved his mascot and collection of vintage lorries and vans. He showed a medal that he was presented with by an elderly lady in recognition of his services. It was hand knitted and very much appreciated. In my book this would be classed as a ‘random act of kindness’

Home via the pharmacy for my tablets and the Coop for milk. The milk bought on Monday, with a week to go, opened on Tuesday was off this morning!!! A bought the smallest container available. I hate throwing food away.

Shortly after we got home the window cleaning team (of 3) arrived, they always do a great job and were willing to help us remove a piece of gaffer tape hanging from the eaves of the house. 

It has been cooler today. Having spent the last three days wearing a nightie to attempt to keep cool, I did have to get properly dressed to go out.

The birds have emerged from their hiding places and were ravenous and thirsty. Apart from the dozens of sparrows there was a big tree full of starlings who sounded as though they were having a scrap. Their mates were lined up on an adjacent roof ridge watching the action.


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