Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Heat Pending... I set off to school. My goodness me, I don't think I've known anything quite like the heat of today in my life time. The thermometer on the window of my classroom read 49 degrees and the classroom thermometer 39. The children have literally been dripping and rapidly melting into blobs of sweat all day. A freezing cold ice pop did not come close to working magic today.

They've soldiered on with yoga for PE and completed maths, english and science lessons. I gave in with twenty minutes to go and they lay on the floor like wiped out zombies!!

It was then Parents Evening which really wasn't well timed...for anybody!!

Alas, it's now a mere 29 degrees and it feels just lovely as I sit in my garden eating my tea and marking my books. I'd never have thought I'd say 29 feels cool!!

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