Baby ........

 ............. robin for TinyTuesday373  (TT373)  -  with thanks to osuzanna for hosting this month.

Really early (like 05.45) this morning I was " taking tea in the garden "  -  actually wandering shoeless (trying to avoid cherry stones chucked down by the birds) and in an oversized t-shirt with a cuppa in one hand and my camera in the other.   I could hear a loud peeping sound and there, on the bottom fence, was this baby robin.
Down went the tea, up came the camera and I took shots as I walked slowly towards it .......... the three I've posted were the best of the lot.
The main shot was an angry look before he flew into the laurel bush - which is where I suspect the nest is.  
The sun just caught the reddening feathers.

Bigger baby ........

Now, wonders never cease, I am actually into July for FlowerFriday Hearts and HMs ............. pick yourself up off the floor and take a look at my choices if you have a few moments, please.

FLOWERFRIDAY1_2022  (FF01_2022) - July.

BikerBear Hearts for:






BikerBear Honourable Mentions for:






Many, many thanks to the 110 participants on the first day of this month.

Three Fun Facts of the Day about Weather:

The wind doesn't make a sound until it blows against an object.

In 2003 the heatwave was so intense it turned grapes into raisins before they were even picked.

Cirrus clouds are made of ice crystals.


~ Anni ~

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