Your serve...
Sometimes you can make an everyday object look interesting. Blipfoto is encouraging me to experiment and sometimes that means working with what’s around the house. You get used to things all too easily, but take a camera and try to find a good shot and, to me, that’s like looking at things anew, with the eyes of a child.
That’s a good thing. I find that when I travel I can easily take a couple of hundred photos a day, because everything is new and interesting. But at home when there’s nothing much different from one day to the next, I struggle to find a single photograph. That’s changing with Blipfoto, and that’s a good thing — it has me opening my eyes and being curious, and that is a good frame of mind to be in.
So. If you haven’t already guessed, this is a vegetable steamer. Inspired by FotoPlay's wonderful image of a salad spinner. This is not half the image, of course, but it was an excuse to have a bit of fun!
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