A day in the life

By Shelling


An uninspiring, dodgy weather day led to some cleaning up and organising indoors, I've moved some more of my small stuff from my old place, threw away some of it and put some things on display so I can decide if I want to keep it or not. I've now got two mortars, one of stone and one of cast-iron. I use them but rarely and probably could do without any of them but they are both old and nice to look at. What to do? My eternal problem, choosing between throw and keep.

My old shoes is worn out so I went to the shop to get a similar pair but they stopped selling all blacks of that model. I need black shoes to work on the theatre and I need that model or similar,  because my left foot is wider than the other and hurts in bad shoes. It took ages to find the model I'm using. I looked for the brand on the net and found the model I'm using -in black. So, for the first time ever I've ordered a pair of shoes over the net (for some reason the shoe-shop couldn't do it for me). They arrived today and seem perfect but I'll walk around indoors for a while to make sure I don't have to return them. 
The nice weather returned towards the evening and tomorrows forecast says hot summer day.

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