MonoMonday - MM443 - Power

The power of nature to grow from a


Into a beautiful flower.

The power of from a bud to a blooming flower to bring a smile :-D

And to the power of the destructive forces of nature seen throughout Plant Earth in all seasons in all weathers.

Amber weather warnings in Edinburgh for HOT temperatures. I don't do heat very well & as a pale peelywally auburn I burn easily.

Chronic Fatigue makes it more tiresome & difficult to regulate temperature. I will be inside in the shade doing little.

I collect some of the mini cheesecake tubs for craft & plant pot bases but today I've filled them with water & in the freezer top bit of fridge. Make good floating ice for the outside water trays for beasties.

Hope you are all okay & manage as best you can with the heat.

Currently 26°C in edge of City of Edinburgh 10:45 am.

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