Last night I protected the lower part of my veg garden with some different nettings I had. My theory being that the Polecat/whatever small creature it was, would not like getting its claws in the netting. Tried a few types round the base of different plants and pots
Then I replenished the different sized water bowls I always have in the front garden for passing wild animals, from a saucer to a larger container. Normally I don't put food down in the front garden, but since it appears there are hungry creatures at the moment with the hot weather, I scattered two jugs of cat biscuits near the water bowls for the nocturnal creatures.
It was all gone by this morning. But it didn't stop what ever creature/s have been getting into my back garden. They are obviously searching for food. I couldn't get out of the study door this morning because some different creature had devised a new way into the back garden and pushed some heavy plant pots over jamming me opening my door outwards. My back doors open outwards into the back garden.
Some damage and destruction in the back garden, but the netting I put round the base of all my lower down veg plants stopped whatever it was from digging into the soil. They obviously don't like the feel of the netting in their claws.
Midnight appears to be coping with these nocturnal creatures.
Creative is a kaleidoscope in Laboscope of one of my neck fans.
Work to do, stuff to put right...
Cuppa first.
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