Living In The Valley

By CatbirdCottage

Inside Out Tulip

Finally a tulip blip. I know they are pretty common on blip, but I've managed to have 3 tulips blooming this year so that's pretty good :)

Still have a cold nip in the air, possible record breaking temps for tonight. I think this will be the worse of it and at least the next 10 days improve.

This week Mollie dog went down with her hip, and was in pretty slow shape. After a trip to the vet yesterday and some medication she is a new dog today. Hopefully a long lasting improvement. (With her age, we'll keep our fingers crossed)

The hubster has to have another MRI... everything should be o.k, but more study is needed and this is the MRI with the dye. Anyway, maybe in a few weeks we will be back to normal. We're hanging in there.....

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