Smokey on a Sunday

After several trips to various National Parks, I made this for my friend Mike. When he passed away, his wife Linda told me to take anything that was on display in the I reclaimed Smokey.

Now, my son Jeff wants something for his man space, something with Smokey on it. I don't know whether he wants it in wood or on canvas, but it might be hard for me to part with this one. 

I made it back in 2005, so this is 17 years old. Smokey stands 22 inches high, and is 9 inches wide. 

Stay tuned to see how the Smokey story turns out, and what son Jeff ends up with. 

P.S. Notice the fishing vest that Smokey is resting on. I bought it at a garage sale for a dollar, and am painting fish on both sides of it. Stay tuned for that, too.

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