Surprise Visit

From my son and the grandchildren. I didn't really expect to see them today, but I think my son was a bit at loose ends (he's moving out of his apartment and away from his wife tomorrow). He's ready to go, getting the keys tomorrow at 10:00 am. The kids are super excited - they'll have their own bedrooms in his new place (and their mother's new place too) and my son has let them pick out everything for their new rooms...from furniture (which is currently in flat boxes in my front hall) to sheets and lights and so on. Anyway, they came for lunch and the kids stayed till I took them home late afternoon.

We went on a hike at the arboretum, which we haven't done in a while...husband was traveling and then had Covid on top of that. So it was a delight to see the wildflowers and blooming trees. This is a pretty ordinary thistle but the fields of thistle were really lovely (see extra). I've been meaning to participate in Miranda's wildflower week challenge and finally have something to share! I'm not quite sure which species of the Cirsium genus this is. 

The other extra is of my grandson - out in the garden scouting for "blimps" as my granddaughter calls it. Note his pink camera, which has matching pink headphones...a cast off from his older sister.He got distracted by the solar fountain in the bird bath ;-)

Best part of the entire day? Talking with Energia about our upcoming trip to Iceland! September 20th is coming fast! Woo hoo!!

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