Lala's Journal

By Lala

A memory

The photo today is the only one we took on our wedding anniversary, the day before the diagnosis. It’s not the last selfie we took together, but the last ‘happy’ one, although we were at the hospital so masked up. 

I haven’t taken any photos today, and to be honest it’s one of the saddest days. I couldn’t seem to shake it right up until 4pm when I painted a smile on and went to Moira’s for lunch. She has been so kind and thoughtful, knowing I’d been on my own all weekend and she’d cooked a full roast in this heat! It was lovely and I managed for the most part not to ‘sink’. 

The evening was a little better, with calls and messages of support for my first day back to work tomorrow. I do hope my fan is still in my office, and not been borrowed!

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