Stromness hack (Day 2628)

A wander out with Sigyn started off the day, then I had a trip to town for the weekly shop.
Back home the stuff got unloaded and put away before other stuff was loaded into the car and the truck and my beautiful wife and I headed for Stromness. We dropped off Sigyn at Mum and Dad's, and collected Mum and took her to the horses. We spent a while getting Jeeps, Red and George ready, then rode out to meet up with all the other riders taking part in the annual Stromness Hack. A fairly reasonable turnout of horses and riders, and it was really nice to be in a big group. George was better behaved than I had expected. Red was amazing, and Jeepers was just Jeepers.
We parted company from the rest of the riders as the group went past our horse field, and once we had all of our horses sorted out, we zoomed back to Mum and Dad's, dropped off Mum, collected Sigyn and Evie the wonderdog and took them for a walk.
Back at Mum and Dad's later, I finished off the strimming I started yesterday.
A good, busy day. It was even sunny for a little while!
Extras added of Mum and HV while we waited for the ride to start, and George's ginormous lugs because Mima likes them...

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